I was able to pay a visit to CJ Allan this past Saturday and check out what he's been up to lately...I'm fortunate to be able to call him a friend and learn a small fraction of all of the stuff he's been involved in over the years...Anyway, the latest project that he's working on is a very limited run of engraved brass padlocks...He can engrave lots of different stuff on the locks using artwork that you provide; within reason of course...He was kind enough to make up a few for me that display a little German history or call it whatever you want...Usually he would black out the areas that are stippled, but decided to leave them bare brass this time...I think they turned out very nice and these engraved locks are definately a step away from what you would typically find CJ engraving...Like I said, he's doing a very limited run of these and several have already been spoken for...If you're interested in one (or more) stop by his blog (http://cjsengraving.blogspot.com/) and send him an email; you'll be glad you did...And, if you're even slightly interested in obtaining a piece of his artwork, better jump at the chance NOW because he won't be doing this stuff forever!